
The program consists of three main components, starting with a middle school elective where students build and code Lego Spike Prime robots. They learn foundational programming skills and explore how robots operate by completing various challenges. The course can be repeated annually, allowing students to deepen their knowledge and tackle more advanced topics. Throughout the year, students work in teams, honing their collaborative skills as they prepare for the annual FLL Robotics Competition.

The robotics program at Colegio Maya emphasizes teamwork and problem-solving, giving students the opportunity to design, build, and program their own robots while learning key engineering principles.

In high school, students transition to the Vex robotics platform, where both the size of the robots and the complexity of challenges increase. Currently, high school robotics members also participate in the Lego FLL competition, though this will be phased out after this school year. This spring, our high school robotics team will travel to Mexico to compete in their first international competition.

Middle School Elective

High School Elective

After-School Activity

Due to high demand for robotics and limited space during the elective period, I offer two after-school robotics programs. One is for middle school students who want extra practice or couldn't enroll in the class due to limited spots. The other focuses on service hours, with high school robotics students mentoring elementary students in robotics two afternoons a week.

AASCA Robotics

One of the best ways to motivate students is through healthy competition, and not all competition has to be athletic. Robotics offers a fantastic avenue for students who want to compete outside of sports, with numerous competitions globally to engage in.

Since joining Colegio Maya six years ago, I aimed to create a robotics competition for like-minded schools. After discussions with Administration, I received approval to plan and host the inaugural AASCA Robotics Competition.

In March 2024, Colegio Maya welcomed nine schools from four Central American countries to participate. The competition was modeled after the FLL, a renowned global event, and aims to connect teams from similar schools in a supportive environment, preparing them for their regional qualifiers later in the season. The competition is timed to occur weeks before the regionals, giving teams valuable experience in a global setting.

After the event, all of the visiting coaches requested Colegio Maya to host again this year.